Why a dedicated DOE program makes sense for experimenters

Why a dedicated DOE program makes sense for experimenters

Unlike a general-purpose statistics package, Design-Expert is a statistics package strictly used for design of experiments (DOE). This focus has allowed us to create a very easy to use “wizard-style” interface designed for non-statisticians to build DOE’s and then properly analyze the results. General-purpose packages require that experimenters know how to properly create a model, evaluate diagnostics, and then create graphics for interpretation. Design-Expert’s interface allows the experimenter to click on buttons from left to right across the top of the screen to complete an analysis. This is not to say that no DOE analysis education is needed, but the learning curve is much shorter. We provide tutorials to get clients started. Also, since many engineers and technical professionals only complete a few experiments a year, Design-Expert is much easier to pick up again every few months as it is needed. Because of our focus only on DOE, Design-Expert offers a much wider range of experimental options and customization features than general-purpose stats packages can offer. We are the only ones to offer Minimum-Run Resolution IV designs for screening and Minimum-Run Resolution V designs. These Min-Run Res V designs have also been turned into bases for Central Composite designs. We offer a full range of factorial, multi-level factorial, response surface, mixture, and combined designs. The combined designs allow you to combine mixture components with process variables into a single design. In many companies it is not a case of Design-Expert replacing a general-purpose stats package, but rather being an easier-to-use supplemental package specifically for design of experiments needs. There will also be other company needs for general stats, but...