IQCS contributing its QMS & technical knowledge to serve the community to improve their quality of lives as well. Besides donating to the home yearly, IQCS has taken its initiative since 2008 leading a quality management system consulting & training charity project in St. Nicholas’ home, Malaysia – a charity home and multi-service institution that serving & educating the visually & multiple impaired of all ages, races & religions throughout Malaysia. The home has achieved ISO 9001:2008 Certification in year 2010, IQCS continues its charity support to the home to maintain the competence of the home’s workforce and their QMS.
IQCS is currently helping the home to set up a software based “Risk Management System” to further enhance its QMS to bring its service quality to excellent level, this will further improve the opportunities of the visually & multiple impaired to lead a quality life with dignity.
St Nicholas home gets ISO award – Bernama
“We are proud of the award,” Daniel Soon.
圣尼古拉盲人之家获颁品质鉴定文凭 – 光华日报
St Nicks eyeing another ISO certification – The Star
ISO volunteer consultant Tracy Chooi presenting the certificate to St Nicholas Home chairman Rev Andrew Phang. With them is Phee.